Day Of Honour As Omo Oloore Constituency Office Received Certificate of Credence

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It was a day to remember in the history of Ibadan North East/South East federal constituency when the Centre for Ethics and Self Value Orientation honoured Omo Oloore Constituency Office with an Award of Credence as one of the highly rated most ethically responsible federal constituencies in the country for the year 2017.

The Centre also decorated Hon. Adedapo Lam Adesina, who is the representative from the constituency at the House of Representatives as the Ambassador of Ethics and Conscience.

The Centre, according to its Executive Director, Prince Salih Yakubu is an International Non-Governmental Organization set up with major focus of exposing corruption, promoting ethical leadership, education and self value reorientation.

He expressed that the Centre through its independent research and assessment and having rated Omo Oloore Constituency Office as one of the most ethically responsible federal constituency in Nigeria, presented her with an Award and Certificate of Credence.

Prince Salih, who decorated Hon. Dapo Lam with an Award of Excellence and Man of Conscience posited that, in recognition of his sterling performance as a federal lawmaker and having judiciously utilized his position to bring the real dividends of democracy to the people of his constituency, Omo Oloore deserved the honour as the Centre’s Ambassador.

He emphasized that Hon. Dapo Lam performed excellently with high marks in the ten thematic areas of assessment on legislator’s performance appraisal scorecard of the Centre, following his personal leadership traits.

The ten thematic areas with marks listed by Prince Salih Yakubu include Office and Committee Attendance (76%), Advance Emotional Intelligence (74%), Constituency Projects and Policy Performance (78%), Public Accessibility (77%), National Interest (72%) and Participation in the floor, bills and motions sponsored (75%)

Other areas are Servicon Compliance (73%), Display of Ethical Leadership (79%), Integrity (82%) and Support Against Public Corruption (80%).

Prince Salih submitted that Omo Oloore has contributed immensely to the growth and development of the Ibadan North East/South East federal constituency in terms of provision of portable water, educational support, sports development, social welfare, economic empowerment, as well as sponsored bills and motions that will add value to the lives of the entire citizenry.

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